Western MUN takes on
McMUN 2023
Since its inception, McMUN has offered delegates the opportunity to participate in lively and substantive debate in innovative and engaging committees, and this year was no exception. The three General Assemblies were modelled after Sustainable Development Goals in order to align with the United Nations’ agenda for 2030, and gave delegates the chance to simulate UN bodies with a clear vision. This year, the Specialized Agencies portfolio allowed delegates to participate in unique committees with specialized Rules of Procedure with our Reporters Without Borders Emeritus Board and International Court of Justice committees. In Crisis, delegates employed their creative thinking in committees full of intrigue, like Stephanie St. Clair’s Harlem Racketeers.
Western MUN takes on Montreal
On January 26th, we sent members of our delegation to Montréal for McMUN 2023 - our first external conference since 2020!
Congratulations to two of our wonderful delegates for winning awards at McMUN 2023!
(left) Pe'er Krut - Honourable Mention, Vogue
(right) Isaac So - Verbal Commendation, Fallout New Vegas